Dear Polkadot Validators 20.12.2024 During the server migration process, an error occurred, resulting in a duplicate instance of our… Read more...
19.12.2022 Dear nominators of Polkadot network! Dear nominators of Polkadot network! Due to the improvement of infrastructure and improving the stability… Read more...
28.09.2022 Business mission of Inform Systems Group in Azerbaijan Dear friends! Inform Systems Group took part in a business mission to Azerbaijan organized by… Read more...
15.08.2022 Inform Systems Group FTP server launched Dear friends! The group’s central FTP server was put into operation. The server address is… Read more...
15.05.2022 The company celebrates 16 years Dear friends! Today, May 15, 2022, the Inform-Systems Group of Companies celebrates its 16th anniversary!… Read more...
05.11.2019 Materials about FastSYS OS 5 were sent to Tesla Dear partners and customers! Reyna Ortiz, an Executive Assistant to the Office of the CEO… Read more...